Twin iT: a pan-European collection of 3D-digitised heritage assets

28 Jun 2023

The European Commission and the Europeana Initiative have launched ‘Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture’.

Twin it! is a campaign under the auspices of the Swedish and Spanish Presidencies of the Council of the EU, culminating during the Belgian Presidency.

This cross-presidency campaign will mobilise each of the 27 EU Ministries in charge of culture to submit one 3D digitised heritage asset to the common European data space for cultural heritage, deployed by the Europeana Initiative. The campaign runs from 21 June 2023 - under the Swedish Presidency - and will continue under Spain’s Presidency in the second half of the year. It will come to an end during Belgium’s Presidency in mid-2024.

Twin it!, will collect and showcase emblematic and high-quality samples of Europe’s cultural assets digitised in 3D. EU Member States and their heritage institutions can make this campaign a success! Read more